The swan and the vine whisperer

The Swan, il Cigno, so they called me at school and so they still call me my friends, recalling my surname "Cignozzi", a bit bizarre, though already famous at the times of the Medici family in Florence.

In the year 2000, I created the Paradiso di Frassina, in the heart of the Brunello wine area in Montalcino, and I wanted to experiment, for the first time in the world, the beneficial effects of music on the vines (vitis vinifera).
Honestly, I would say that success was not lacking and a committee of the United Nations considered this research as one of the most sustainable projects in the world, calling it "phono organic" and including it in the "Bright Green Book" presented in Rio de Janeiro in June 2011.
Lawyer for almost 40 years in Milan and a music lover, in 2011, I wrote a book published by Rizzoli "The Vine Whisperer”- L’uomo che sussurra alle Vigne, where I tell the story on how I arrived at this magnificent project of vine music therapy, imitating the research done centuries ago in the Far East.
I have also written a comedy “BARBATELLE una di vino commedia“ from which the dear departed maestro Luis Bacalov has drawn a Opera Buffa, that the Verdi Orchestra of Milan represented as a musical event during EXPO MILANO 2015.
It is the only work in history that tells the story of the Barbatelle in a game of passions, envies, betrayals and revolution, where the singers are famous wine characters such as the Duke Cabernet, the Marquis of Merlot, Madame Shyraz, the nobleman Sangio' (sangiovese) and so on ....

If you want to know more, I will wait for you at Paradiso di Frassina in Montalcino. We will walk together amongst the rows listening to the harmonies of Mozart,