The 2022 organic oil from Il Paradiso di Frassina, an excellent year

In the splendid Maremma countryside, a few kilometers from the sea, in the municipality of Cinigiano south of Tuscany, is our olive grove, with about eighty trees. Our olive trees are right next to the vineyards dedicated to our extraordinary 12 Uve wine.

The varieties of olive trees are typical of Tuscany; Frantoio and Leccino with some Pendolino trees that serve as pollinators. This year has been a very good and productive year, spring allowed us to have excellent flowering. (more…)

Il Paradiso di Frassina in Warsaw

Our first encounter with Beata Gaweda, a brilliant sommelier and longtime friend of Il Paradiso di Frassina, dates back to the early 2000s.

At the time our wines had just landed across the Channel, in London, where twenty years ago niches of lovers of good food and good wine made the capital the beating heart of international food and wine.

And it is precisely here that Beata discovers her passion and her talent as a sommelier, which she will take with her to Poland, together with the wines of Il Paradiso di Frassina, also known as the Vineyard of Mozart. (more…)

Montalcino, the medieval town of the famous Brunello wine and of Mozart’s vineyard

If one says the word Montalcino, one immediately thinks about the famous Brunello di Montalcino wine! the prestigious red wine made from Sangiovese grapes only, and aged for at least 5 years; highly prized and famous all over the world.
It was the distant year 1888 when Ferruccio Biondi Santi had the idea of ​​eliminating the vines of the traditional Chianti recipe, using instead only grapes of the Sangiovese variety. (more…)

Montalcino: grape harvest 2022 at Il Paradiso di Frassina, how did it go?

Despite the drought and extreme heat of this year, thanks to the arrival of a little rain from mid-August, the grape harvest in Montalcino and at Il Paradiso di Frassina was excellent. Nature always manages to surprise us.

Before mid-August we were worried about the great heat and water shortage. (more…)

Challenging heat and water shortage in the vineyard

The issue of global warming has never become so topical and so worrying as this year. Extreme heat and water shortage are causing serious environmental damages.

We are facing the difficulty of cultivating vines with excessive heat and lack of water, and for this reason we are adopting useful solutions to handle these problems, thanks to the use of natural products and to a specific management of the plant and of the ground. (more…)

The first concert at Il Paradiso di Frassina in Montalcino, in collaboration with Le Dimore del Quartetto, a unique experience!

What a better place for a concert of classical music than Il Paradiso di Frassina in Montalcino? At Il Paradiso di Frassina, well known as the Vineyard of Mozart, wine and Mozart’s music are inseparable.  (more…)

Farmhouse and winery in Montalcino; pool, view, wine, and Mozart’s music

Agriturismo Il Paradiso di Frassina a Montalcino

Immersed in the beautiful natural landscape of the Val d’Orcia countryside south of Siena, agriturismo Il Paradiso di Frassina in Montalcino is the ideal place for a holiday to discover the scenic nature, the ancient history and the incredible culture of Tuscany.

The farmhouse was born from the careful restoration of an ancient farm dating back to the Middle Ages, surrounded by splendid vineyards and enchanting landscapes typical of the Sienese countryside. We are in the land of the famous Brunello wine, in a landscape of rare beauty. (more…)

Il Paradiso di Frassina at the first edition of the Slow Wine Fair

Il Paradiso di Frassina alla Fiera Slow Wine a Bologna

The first edition of the Slow Wine Fair took place at Bologna Fiere on the 27th, the 28th and the 29th of this past March. The Slow Wine Fair is an international fair dedicated to good, clean and fair wine, characterized by the participation of hundreds of wine producers and wine professionals from both Italy and abroad. (more…)

March Events for Il Paradiso di Frassina

Spring is finally coming and it’s time for reopening and new meetings that see Il Paradiso di Frassina involved in two important events in March.


Eventi Marzo Paradiso di Frassina, slow wine fair

“Femminilità ed Imprenditoria” Palazzo Datini in Prato

This past Friday 11 March, we were present with our wines at the inauguration of the interactive photographic exhibition “Femminilità ed Imprenditoria” (Femininity and Entrepreneurship), at the Museum of Palazzo Datini in Prato.
An exhibition, which takes place from 11 to 25 March, focused on femininity and entrepreneurship curated by Rebecca Madou, who has been in Italy for 20 years now but comes from the Ivory Coast. (more…)